Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Should people judge a man from outside or inside?

Oh~I'm so bad to post it after the day Adrinne asked for........cuz my damn laptop can't go to the internet with my cable~wired...right? I have no idea........

Well, let's talk about something interesting~Descrimination~!oh~it's a good word! Descrimination can be in the community, can be between man and animal, can be only for something no life. I don't think descrimination only exist in humans. Can u imagine if we don't have descrimination in the world? hehe....come can't be!

For many people, when they think about the descrimination, the descrinimation in their own countries is the first thing they think. The descrimination between male and female, young people and old people, local people and th people from other places........

For me~~it's more possible to let me think about the situation which I have now for th descrimination. Now, I'm studing abroad in Montreal, Canada.....For canadian, i'm a foreigner,i'm the international student, i'm a Asia people. In my opinion, they have different treatments for people. I mean the reason is not only i'm Asia people or i'm international student who don't speak french.....the point is the descrimination exist in this city, in the country, even in this world~! I would say that even though there still have descrimination in people who are local people. However, it's really unconfortable to be treat differently..........sometime, it makes me mad, upset.....but i have no chose~What we could do is trying to have postive thinking~!

Have you even think about what factors can affect on the decrimination, especially to desciminate on others? In my opinion, everything can cause it, such as genter, age, or religious........should people judge a man from outside or inside? Most people know that the inside of a person is more important. A men might be very kind, but he is not handsome; A men might have knowledge, but he is not rich with pretty cloth; A men might have good skills or abilities, but he might not have a high postion in a company...........

When people want to judge a person only according to the different culture, the different genter, and the diferent education, they should be more reasonable and have a critical thinking. When people attempt to treat others differently, they should have walked in other's moccasins which means to change the postion and to feel what the people feel when they are treated differently.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

my favorite unit

Wow......time reallyyy goes fast! We have already learnt so many units in this's we learnt many things with happiness with my friends!

From the first unit "Skyscrapers" to the mid-term "population", to be honest, i like all of them!

If i have only one chose that to chose the best one in the whole course, that's should be male&Female unit~!

First of all, the content is very rich and colorful~to begin with, they gave us some stories to point our men and women have different thinkings with different language levels. In this way, we have already interested on this topic and we wanted to know the reseaons why women are more like to express themselves than this unit, not only the reading gave us the information, but also a very ineresting video showed us much research which gave us more ideas about this topic..........

In terms to skills and language we learnt, based one what we understood, they learnt how to briefly retall the stories in the beginning of this unit. We practice our speaking skill, and improve

it very much~~~~~~

Moreover, taking notes is a pretty good way to help us to understand the information in the video. For me, my listening is my weakness~taking notes gave me more opportunities to help me developing me listening skills!

After watching the video, we had the short answer questions and the reaction writing on the blog~Accoriding to what we understood to answer the questions, we learnt how to oranginze the content that we understood and also we need to think about how to write or organize the part we were not very clear or really sure.Obviously, we improved our writing skills pretty much~!

To sum up, in this unit, not only the content is interesting , but also we improve our language skills, such as listening, speaking, reading and writing~!

Monday, February 18, 2008

public lecture

Well.......2 weeks ago ( I think~), I went to a public lecture with my friends Jarno, Wang and Zicas~The topic is the raising tuition fees in Quecbec~
actully, this topic is very convertreal......we should be critical thinking.......
but it's hard....cuz i'm a international student......i'm involved in this case.....To be a international student, I disagree the raising tuition fees. It's already very hard for our family to offer such a high tuition fees, however, if it keep raising......i promise that it's inevitable for international student who want to develpe themselve choose other developed country which don't need such a high tuition fees!
The lecture were presented by 4 people come from different areas, one is Concordia student, one is McGill student, one is a person who works in educaiton office and the last one is the president of Univeristy in Quecbec~!All of them presented their opinions after the chairman asked's a interview, not a debate like what they decribed on the paper......but they really gave us some ideas and let people have a critical thinking~!

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Haaha......our family is a big family as uausl in China......My Father' s parents have 5 children, three boys and two girls~My dad is the youngest~!and my mum's parents have four children, three girls and 1boy~my mum is the youngest either~i'm very happy that i'm the only one for my partent~but.....sometimes i hope i could have a brother who can protect me or have a sister who can chat with me.....especially, when mum angry with me, I hope someone could share with me~~~haha~~~~~welll......for me......I don't want to have child....cuz that's tooooooooo noisy........that drive me crazy!realllyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm very pleasure that my parents don't mind whether i have children. However, if I don't have choose......I would like to have 2 children if i have enough money for them~one boy and one girl~........

Well......I think the population of China is more stable than's arround 1.3 billion~hehe~I hope I could have 1.3 billion dollar~haha~Unquestionaly, the large population influence on the quality of life in China. For living....people don't have engough space for living....the price of apartment is raising every year...It lead to many common people can't offerring such high house price.......For's very competive...U can imgine that 1000 people apply for one job, and only 5 people could brings too much impact......China is full of people~!

For sure, people who live in rural areas want to move to urban happens in every country~i think everything has adventages and disadvantages~the advantage of a significant popluation shifting in China is it could bring many different cultures. Moreover, it's also good for the socity's economy......however, overpopulation form rural areas to urban areas let the city should have more strong adminstration.....cuz..many people who from rural areas have less the society need more funds for them to improve their education. I'm so glad that this problem has already controled by the government of China~!

Anyway....the disadvantages of overpopulation are more than the advantages.......the competiton of jobs.....the pollution of environment......the problem of living.......

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

animal right

Animal right~Nowadays,it's a very convertral discussion!
Now~it's our topic in the's going interesting, cuz we read many articles by different people with different postions~~SOME people think human have the right to "own" animals! SOMEN people believe that animals should have the same right as human's and people should stop the animal researches!!!
ah~~it's really hard for me to chose which side I should be!really!cuz I love animals....i think sometimes it's unfair for those animals that were studies buy human researchers.However, to be a human being~I can understand the patients and their families....they want the researches could find the treatments for their dieases~!Morthers don't want to lose their children, sisters don't want to lose their brothers, young chridren don't want to lose their partents..........if u and me in this situation, what will u choose? ur familiy member's life or animal's? It's so hard..........

Sunday, February 10, 2008

book review

we have already finished the book review project~!That's fantastic~!really~
I'm really interented in the presentation of the book review~that's more activite....actually every part of this project was pretty useful~! The interesting presentation should base on what we understand about the novel, the style of the author, the background.......that's to say, we should enjoy our reading frist....if we don't like or don't want to do sth at the begining, it's hard for us to succeed at the end.It's like what Lily said we should engjoy what are we doing and work hard~~~ (reading rate: 7)

we separated our novel with different sections and discussed with our group after finishing one section. We could get more ideas and explain some parts that make us confused for each other. Well....that's an useful prosess of learning with group work. (discusstion with group: 8)

oh~~~~~~~~the writing for book review was a little chellenge for me....even though I have alreagy got the ideas that how to write's easy to go a little bite far....the problem for me is giving a little bite much infomation that make the summarising of the novel not clear enough! I think if I made it shorter,it could be more clearly. (written review: 7)

Our novel named "Obasan", we thought we did a good job for the presentation.....there are many description and details in the's hard to present..(it's same with other novels)...I thought we should gave more explaination about the relationships in this Japanese-Canadian family. During the question time, according the questions,we explained more information about the relationships and help audiences to understand this story. (presentation:9)

I love the presentation part, cuz we can express the author's ideas for audiences, we could present the stories by our styles at the same time~! Practicing our speaking skill make us more confident to speak in front of many audiences~!It's really good experience for us to study in the university, or even in the workplace.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Critical thinking

Critical thinking……I’m not usually thinking something critical…except studying…..I don’t know why I never really care about what happened in this world, it seems like it’s none of my business….even though I’m living in this world…..hehe…so..searching news on the internet is just for fun….just get some news and ideas…nothing more….Therefore, fore sure, I don’t think it’s real and serious enough for all the information. When I see something incredible, I would wonder and doubt the resources of them….and my command always is ‘oh…..maybe…yup….it’s could be…..”When I were in my country, I watch TV news and see newspaper every single day….I believe most of information over there are truth….however, I think we should be critical thinking…Cuz in this world, there was no thing never changes…..we should learn to doubt what we see, what we heard….learn to be reasonable…..