Saturday, January 26, 2008

The New York Time---Sport

During this weekdays, I read The New York Time and I feel it's really different from other english reading what I read. It's more formal and international.....feel good~~
When I read it, I was attractived by a pic that was a Chinese girl who did one of figure skating's difficult positions. Her name is Caroline Zhang,14 years old and she was a top junior last year. She will compete at the senior level in the U.S. Figure Skating Championships.
The reporter showed that she has a very good essential training and skills.Zhang could pull her free foot toward her head in a Biellmann spin.She competed with many similar ages girls in many different competitions like junior nationals, the junior world championships and this season's junior Grand Prix final. Moreover, she achieved many good accomplishments, such as she earned bronze at Skate America in Reading, Pa and in December (2007), at the Grand Prix Final in Turin, Italy, she acquired the fourth. In this play, a old player who are 3ys older than Zhang were two places behind Zhang. Zhang let the old player feel nervous........Now, she is preparing for the 2010 Winter Olympics and she said"I'm focuing on the podium, and skating two good programs."
I really respect someone who has proficiency in a particular line. Those people might focuse on different aereas, but they all have the common things. That is they all have the great personal qualities which should be required to be successful, such as they persevere unremittingly when they trainning hard; they have enough confident to overcome difficulties; they have the quility of psychology to face different situations when they have very strong pressures.........................
No matter what we do, we should have the same quilities to be successful.


Geraldine aKa The Point said...

Hello Xixi,

It is amazing to see how young people can express themselves in a particular way. This Chinese girl must have a lot of ambition and if I could meet her I would certainly encourage her to keep on her progression in this field. In that way we can see how visible minorities can mark-down themselves.

Davidwang said...

sounds beautiful~~~~~
haha,i think it's interesting

Margarita said...

Hi XiXi!
I completely agree with you. I think all sportsmen have to be very strong not only physically but emotionally to achieve triumph because most time they have to devote to sport and not to their private lives which is very hard.

Tomas said...

Hello Xixi,

I agree that you must be ambitous, perseverant and have a lot of self confidence to be succesful at any field in life. But another important thing is to love what you do and enjoy it, if not, it doesn´t matter how good you are in that field because you won´t be happy.
Whatever you love you are!

Xixi said...

Thanks guys~
yup~like what Gerldine said it's really amazing for those gymnastics athletes to exoress themselves so softly.......u know, it's more easy for them to be trainning when they were 4,5 ys, Cuz on that time they are very fexible~~hehe~When I were young I leart it for a long time~now...i'm too's so hard and so hurt~hehe