Sunday, February 17, 2008


Haaha......our family is a big family as uausl in China......My Father' s parents have 5 children, three boys and two girls~My dad is the youngest~!and my mum's parents have four children, three girls and 1boy~my mum is the youngest either~i'm very happy that i'm the only one for my partent~but.....sometimes i hope i could have a brother who can protect me or have a sister who can chat with me.....especially, when mum angry with me, I hope someone could share with me~~~haha~~~~~welll......for me......I don't want to have child....cuz that's tooooooooo noisy........that drive me crazy!realllyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm very pleasure that my parents don't mind whether i have children. However, if I don't have choose......I would like to have 2 children if i have enough money for them~one boy and one girl~........

Well......I think the population of China is more stable than's arround 1.3 billion~hehe~I hope I could have 1.3 billion dollar~haha~Unquestionaly, the large population influence on the quality of life in China. For living....people don't have engough space for living....the price of apartment is raising every year...It lead to many common people can't offerring such high house price.......For's very competive...U can imgine that 1000 people apply for one job, and only 5 people could brings too much impact......China is full of people~!

For sure, people who live in rural areas want to move to urban happens in every country~i think everything has adventages and disadvantages~the advantage of a significant popluation shifting in China is it could bring many different cultures. Moreover, it's also good for the socity's economy......however, overpopulation form rural areas to urban areas let the city should have more strong adminstration.....cuz..many people who from rural areas have less the society need more funds for them to improve their education. I'm so glad that this problem has already controled by the government of China~!

Anyway....the disadvantages of overpopulation are more than the advantages.......the competiton of jobs.....the pollution of environment......the problem of living.......


Helen said...

It seems that everyone (especially girls) want to have 2 children-- one boy and one girl~~~,and girls always wish that they can have an older brother rather than a younger brother or sister...That's my dream, too.For me it will be a dream forever, but I can make it come ture for my children...haha,just a little bit planning...

Zicas said...

Hi Xixi,
Nice post Xixi, well, i agree with Helen that everyone want to have 2 children... me too :-D. I prefer to have boys rather that girls. Having an elder brother or sister is not a good thing ..hehehe, am kidding, i have a sister and i really love her, she is the only one who make for me nice cookies and cakes.

Jarno said...

For now, we don't have any sisters or brothers. So if you have some problems what to talk to someone, don't forget Jarno(:

Davidwang said...

hehe,i mean u need a strong brother in order to protect u?
r u kidding with me, i guess u r strong enough to protect u brother......
2 children will be a big mess~~~~~
1 child is perfect, 2 children u probably to buy an ugly van,however 1 child, SUV will be perfect~