Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Should people judge a man from outside or inside?

Oh~I'm so bad to post it after the day Adrinne asked for........cuz my damn laptop can't go to the internet with my cable~wired...right? I have no idea........

Well, let's talk about something interesting~Descrimination~!oh~it's a good word! Descrimination can be in the community, can be between man and animal, can be only for something no life. I don't think descrimination only exist in humans. Can u imagine if we don't have descrimination in the world? hehe....come can't be!

For many people, when they think about the descrimination, the descrinimation in their own countries is the first thing they think. The descrimination between male and female, young people and old people, local people and th people from other places........

For me~~it's more possible to let me think about the situation which I have now for th descrimination. Now, I'm studing abroad in Montreal, Canada.....For canadian, i'm a foreigner,i'm the international student, i'm a Asia people. In my opinion, they have different treatments for people. I mean the reason is not only i'm Asia people or i'm international student who don't speak french.....the point is the descrimination exist in this city, in the country, even in this world~! I would say that even though there still have descrimination in people who are local people. However, it's really unconfortable to be treat differently..........sometime, it makes me mad, upset.....but i have no chose~What we could do is trying to have postive thinking~!

Have you even think about what factors can affect on the decrimination, especially to desciminate on others? In my opinion, everything can cause it, such as genter, age, or religious........should people judge a man from outside or inside? Most people know that the inside of a person is more important. A men might be very kind, but he is not handsome; A men might have knowledge, but he is not rich with pretty cloth; A men might have good skills or abilities, but he might not have a high postion in a company...........

When people want to judge a person only according to the different culture, the different genter, and the diferent education, they should be more reasonable and have a critical thinking. When people attempt to treat others differently, they should have walked in other's moccasins which means to change the postion and to feel what the people feel when they are treated differently.

1 comment:

Zicas said...

Hi Xixi,
You really have a great ability in attracting our attention. Actually, i agree with you, Discrimination is a bod thing, as we are all equal in everything, despite have different things.
Also i like your post title "Should people judge a man from outside or inside ??" it really a great title for a great problem in our world today........