Sunday, February 24, 2008

my favorite unit

Wow......time reallyyy goes fast! We have already learnt so many units in this's we learnt many things with happiness with my friends!

From the first unit "Skyscrapers" to the mid-term "population", to be honest, i like all of them!

If i have only one chose that to chose the best one in the whole course, that's should be male&Female unit~!

First of all, the content is very rich and colorful~to begin with, they gave us some stories to point our men and women have different thinkings with different language levels. In this way, we have already interested on this topic and we wanted to know the reseaons why women are more like to express themselves than this unit, not only the reading gave us the information, but also a very ineresting video showed us much research which gave us more ideas about this topic..........

In terms to skills and language we learnt, based one what we understood, they learnt how to briefly retall the stories in the beginning of this unit. We practice our speaking skill, and improve

it very much~~~~~~

Moreover, taking notes is a pretty good way to help us to understand the information in the video. For me, my listening is my weakness~taking notes gave me more opportunities to help me developing me listening skills!

After watching the video, we had the short answer questions and the reaction writing on the blog~Accoriding to what we understood to answer the questions, we learnt how to oranginze the content that we understood and also we need to think about how to write or organize the part we were not very clear or really sure.Obviously, we improved our writing skills pretty much~!

To sum up, in this unit, not only the content is interesting , but also we improve our language skills, such as listening, speaking, reading and writing~!


Jarno said...

I'm the first one for here...Haha~
To be honest, I've learnt a lot since I came to advanced two...different writing style is the hardest one for me. I've just comforted with last session but turned so quickly even without a breathe.

Helen said...

It seems that many girls prefer gender unit...I'm not the exception.Comparing with other heavy unit,we really have a lot of fun in this unit,it's pretty interesting to learn this unit:)

Zicas said...

its really a nice post Xixi, i think we learned a lot in the Advanced 2 level and the Gender unit is one of the most interesting units we had, especially the video, it was great and we had a great discussion also about it. I really respect your opinion ,Xixi ;-D.......
Guess what i expected that the gender unit is the preferred one for you...hehe

Davidwang said...

to be honest~~~
i like this writing,
sounds beautiful,isnt it?

Xixi said...

Wang~Oh my godness~~~~!It's ur first time to say that u like my writing~oh~~~~~can't believe that~anyway~really thanks a lot~really