Sunday, March 16, 2008

Time goes pretty fast

Oh~can't believe that~~~~we almost finish this bIg meeting~!
In the last 5 weeks, I really like the unit "Descrimination". I learnt a lot from this unit, for sure not only the English skills, but also makes us have a critical thinking!!!!!!!!!!

We won't feel strange and like have never heard about it, cuz descrimination happens everywhere and it's very common in the world.
For more reasons about why I like this unit, I have already written a lot in my blog" Should people judge a man from inside or outside"...............

I pretty like this idea that we express our opinions on the blog and command for each's like a discussion, just we are not face to face~but it's good to let each other know what u r doing and where u r, even though we can't see each other everyday..............and also we could say what we want at here, even some problems we meet. We can help each other, give some's a good way to solve problems or express sth that u don't want to tell the people around u~! So....let us continue it!!!!!!!!Why not?!AH?


Tomas said...

Hello Xixi,

I must say that it´s me who learned things from you. I healthily envy your good nature before any of the activities we have done together like the debates or the presentations. You are a very good speaker and I admire your temperament and your authenticity.I have also enjoyed our talks. I wish you the best Xixi!!

Helen said...

Xixi, your beautiful picture makes me feel very hungry right now! You are such a beautiful girl whether inside or outside (I really envy your nice hair cut~~~!) who did a beautiful work during last ten weeks! With your confidence, it infulence me to be stronger and more brave when we did our debate last two times, we are a good team ,aren't we?:) According to my "research" about you, I'm sure that you can do very well in university! I hope we can be classmates and be a team again in the future( we are in the same major~~~). Best wishes!:)